培训讲师:Mr Franki Leung 梁仲楷 先生 (中国香港)
Mr Davis Miller(法国)
培训时间 |
培训讲师 |
培训内容 |
5月2日 09:00-16:00 |
Mr Davis Miller |
CKU犬种知识讲座—萨卢基犬、惠比特犬、G10部分内容 |
5月3日 09:00-16:00 |
Mr Franki Leung梁仲楷 先生 |
CKU审查员·中英文审查评语讲习、 |
报名时间:自发布日期 至2016年4月29日 15:00截止
报名电话:010-61138880转8062 CKU专业培训部
报名费用: CKU犬种知识讲座,报名费1000元;CKU审查员套餐学习成员免费。
Mr Franki Leung 梁仲楷 先生 (中国香港)
1976年,怀揣梦想的少年Franki先生,带著他的“沙皮”初涉犬展赛场。从此,他将自己的一生都交付给犬展赛场。之后的几十年里,他开始带着博美犬,迷你贵宾犬,凯利蓝梗犬,猎狐梗犬,西施犬以及沙皮到处参展。 Leung 先生一直认为自己是“幸运儿”,不仅拥有自己的犬舍做着喜欢的犬事业,同时也取得了海内外一致的认同的成绩。他的犬舍中有一只名叫“Marqualis Chief Butalasie” 的沙皮世界冠军,一直是Leung 先生的骄傲。这只沙皮在1998年拿下赫尔辛基世界犬展的冠军后,又乘胜追击在英国和爱尔兰犬展中大放光彩。 1993年10月,Leung 先生在英国开启了国际审查员的生涯,随后又被邀请到曼彻斯特冠军展(1996),达灵顿冠军展(1998),俄罗斯黑梗俱乐部犬展(2005) 以及英国平彻犬单独展(2010)中执裁担当。Leung 先生曾到台湾,爱尔兰,拉托维亚,爱沙尼亚,俄罗斯,印度,巴基斯坦,南非,印度尼西亚,韩国,泰国,新加坡,菲律宾,日本,加拿大,波兰,新西兰,斯洛文尼亚,以色列和澳大利亚等国家执裁犬展,在他看来,国外执裁给他提供了宝贵的机会来感受不同的文化与风土人情。早在2006年,Leung 先生就获得了香港犬业组织全犬种审查员资格,并被委任为审查员委员会主席。同时,在2013年Leung 先生又被评选为FCI亚太区审查之星。
Mr Davis Miller
Mr. Miller has been a dog enthusiast all his life. From an early age, his parents raised various terriers. In the early seventies while residing in France, he fixed his sights upon the dogs that he has raised for over thirty-five years, Salukis. Under the prefix of Shandell, and coupled with the French Saluki kennel, Arab Bahari, he still occasionally breeds and shows. In addition, he has owned Afghans, Dalmatians and Italian Greyhounds.
In the mid-seventies and throughout the eighties, Mr. Miller showed not only his Salukis, but dogs in several breeds for clients. In 1988, he applied to the American Kennel Club and was approved to judge Salukis. Since then, he is approved for the Hound Group, Non-Sporting Group, and the Sporting Group, Norfolk, Norwich Terriers, Italian Greyhounds, Pugs, Toy Poodles and Pyrenean Shepherd. He has held many offices in the Grand River Kennel Club, currently Treasurer, and is the show chairperson for their cluster weekend – The Regatta Classic. Moreover, he is the Vice-President of the Cuyahoga Valley Hound Association.
Mr. Miller has officiated in the United States, Canada, Columbia, France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Hungary, Romania, Russia, Australia, China and South Korea. He is published in both English and French in professional periodicals as well as dog publications. Moreover, he has given seminars on the Saluki. He travels frequently to North Africa due to his association with Sighthounds and conducts tours of Marrakech, Morocco and its surroundings. As an avid traveler, he has visited many kennels in India.
Professionally, Mr. Miller is the department coordinator of World Languages for a school system in the Cleveland, Ohio metropolitan area. He has also instructed on the university undergraduate and graduate levels. Furthermore, he has been a former member of the Advisory Board of the Montreux School of Business, Montreux, Switzerland. He holds a Master's Degree in Education with a specialization in French as well as a Certificat Du Premier Degré from the Université De Strasbourg, France. He is a translator and has conferred on projects for officials at the United Nations as well as the French government in relation to indigenous canine breeds of the Sahara. At the World Dog Show in Paris 2011, he served as a translator for the Poodle World Congress.
In his spare time, he is an amateur photographer whose work has been published internationally. Mr. Miller speaks French, German, Italian and English.